The sound is definitely experimental and ostentatiously "underground". None of the instruments involved tries to be reassuring: the guitar is scratchy, the trumpet sounds choked, piano and keyboards are always dissonant and a background of "proto-industrial" noises is present all along the record. The music, anyway, is thrilling. The drum patterns, in particular, are extraordinary: regular, tight, groovy, and incredibly close to the "motorik" beat of Can and Neu!.
"The Group" was not a band of young beatniks. As a matter of fact, it's just a pseudonym for Gruppo d'Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza, a project of renown soundtrack composer Ennio Morricone along with other important experimental musicians. The rock-focused attitude of the record is quite surprising for such a team of classically-trained men already in their forties!
- Franco Evangelisti: keyboard, percussion
- Ennio Morricone: trumpet
- Mario Bertoncini: piano, percussion
- Walter Branchi: double bass
- Bruno Battisti D'Amario: guitar
- Egisto Macchi: percussion
- Renzo Restuccia: drums
- John Heineman: trombone, piano, cello
Similar music on the blog:
Ennio Morricone: Crime and Dissonance (Ipecac, 2005)
La 1919: Jouer, Spielen, To Play (Materiali sonori, 1994)
9 :
fantastico! ciao da croatia!
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo !!!
Ciao volevo porti i miei ringraziamenti per tutto il lavoro che svolgi nel ricercare album così rari e dimenticati. Inoltre avrei una richiesta da farti, riusciresti a procurarmi l'album El Muniria - Stanza 218? Non lo riesco a trovare da nessuna parte. Grazie in anticipo, saluti.
Non è proprio il mio genere, ma faccio il possibile! :)
Non ti piacciono i Massimo Volume? Grazie per l'interessamento, sei gentilissimo! :)
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