Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Giuni Russo: Energie (CGD/Warner Music Italia, 1981)

First album as "Giuni Russo" by Palermitan singer Giuseppa Romeo, Energie was quite rare until the CD reprint in 2005 (to the point that Italian rapper CapaRezza has publicly asked to lend him a copy of it). Most of the songs are written by Italian most-reknown pop experimentator Franco Battiato and the arrengements feature some of his longtime collaborators such as Giusto Pio and Alberto Radius.
The album mixes tuneful, lighthearted pop with vocal experimentation based on Giuni's incredible range and timbre shifting ability. The CD edition contains three bonus tracks, among which is the hyper-hit "Un'estate al mare", with its chimeric lyrics.

  1. Lettera al governatore della Libia
  2. Il sole di Austerlitz
  3. Crisi metropolitana
  4. Atmosfera
  5. L'addio
  6. Una vipera sarò
  7. L'attesa
  8. Tappeto volante
  9. Un'estate al mare
  10. Bing Bang Being
  11. Adeste fideles

3  :

Ellaguru said...

un'estate al mare e e e
ricercando su wikipedia ho trovato che giuni russo aveva già inciso negli anni '60...mica lo sapevo.

wago said...

si', documentandomi un po' ho visto pure io. penso pero' tutto il pre-"Giuni" sia assolutamente introvabile

Jack Nuisance said...

Bellissimo blog, complimenti!
continua così...